Thursday, November 27, 2008


Power outage at atlanta airport. Everything grinds to a halt. Traffic cannot get to the airport as the lights are out. News reporters bring the "sad" stories of people who could not make their flights...
"..I got out of the car and ran all the way to the gate...only to have the lady shut the door on me..."
and stuff like that....but then there was one story, about a man who was going to visit his grandma....."he has not seen his grandma since he was 14, now he missed his flight and has to wait ONE MORE DAY to meet her..."

Only in america can it be that the sad part is that he was delayed another day coz he missed his flight...and not that he has not visited his grandma since 14....

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Small Town Talk..

Happened recently to a colleague who came to the US and was posted at a customer site in a big city. Next project he gets sent to a remote customer site in a small town - about 4 hours drive on open country roads (by that I mean the "next gas station 100 miles" type open country) from the nearest airport.

After about 3 hours on the road, comes to a small town, where he stopped for dinner at a small restaurant (of course). Noticing some really good stuffed animals and birds and animal heads, he asks the waitress if those are real.

She starts out on who hunted which one, and where they get them stuffed, etc...

Our astonished colleague goes "wow , do you know it is illegal to hunt where i come from"

an even more astonished waitress goes "oh my god!, what do you guys do in your spare time?!!"

Saturday, November 8, 2008


People are quite used to the Indian Stretchable Time in the IT industry. By people, I mean folks outside India, who have to deal regularly with colleagues in India. A good example - my boss, whenever he sends out our frequent global call invitations, always mentions (NOT IST) against India time. So invite will look something like 7:30 am ET / x:xx pm singapore / 6 pm India time (NOT IST).

This is not about the IT industry. This is about some folks whose closest encounter with IST is dictating medical case summaries into a software, which is transcribed by other folks in bangalore. Basically, folks who dictate, sleep, and wake up to find everything ready, and think "this is neat !" - folks who have no clue what IST is. 

So, we get invited to this Indian wedding reception in Atlanta. Invite says 7 pm onwards.......(dots are mine). We start(read "the wife starts")  getting ready around 7, leave home at 7:45, and get to the venue around 8:15. What do we find there? No bride, no groom and a hall full of the groom's american colleagues who have been waiting since 7 pm. Their kids are dreary eyed, its past bed time. Most of them dont look good - its waay past dinner time. Some of them actually went to get dinner at the restaurant across the street. 

To the rest of them willing to listen, prowe started explaining the great concept of IST and its intricate workings..... 

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What next ?

Found at a store in tijuana mexico - snortoff vodka and buttwiper beer....what next? :))

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Please dont touch there...

@ a Greek restaurant in Vancouver- the well placed sign reads 'Please do not Touch'