Last week was my "whurstest" travel week so far....excluding my first trip to US from chennai - back then i did not know you have to keep the office travel agent in check !
Mar 19-Mar 26
24 hrs travel | 9.5 hrs sleep | 12 hrs meetings | 7 hrs sleep | 8 hrs meeting | 9 hrs travel | 9 hrs sleep | 4 hrs meeting | 7 hrs sleep | 6 hrs travel | 7 hrs sleep | 8 hrs meeting | 5 hrs sleep | supposed to be 26 hrs travel bk home | but the last leg the tow truck's tow bar broke - damaged the nose gear - stuck on tarmac for 3 hours in JFK | then flight circled over ATL for 2.5 hours unable to land in heavy thunderstorms | diverted to jacksonville before fuel ran out | slept 4 hours on airport floor | 1 hour flight back to ATL !! :))
And the other one -
The first trip to US - the office travel agent booked me MAA-BOM-CDG-EWR-ATL-LFT - a total of 48 hours just from take-off to touchdown and not counting the time i started from home or got to hotel !!